These Bikers Are Giving Courage & Emotional Support to Kids Escaping Child Abuse

Hundreds of abused children around the world have been getting emotional support and protection from an unlikely source: biker gangs.

Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) is an international nonprofit that recruits volunteer bikers as a support system for kids suffering from parental abuse.

The bikers go to great lengths to make the child feel comfortable and safe in their presence. In addition to gifting the child with their own BACA vest, the bikers adopt kid-friendly pseudonyms like “Pooh Bear” and “Scooter”.

Bikers-Against-Child-Abuse (BACA)

If the child has a bad dream in the middle of the night, their gang of leather-clad protectors will stop by for a visit. If the family is afraid of their abuser visiting their home, then the BACA bikers will stand watch until the danger has passed.

Furthermore, if a child is forced to give testimony of their abuse in court, then the bikers will escort the child all the way to the stand.

Over the course of the last 20 years, the organization has been offering their services from New Zealand and Australia to Canada and the United States.

Prior to volunteering their services through BACA, each of the bikers undergoes an extensive background check and takes on intervention training for handling such situations. None of them are financially reimbursed for their gas money or time; they only do it out of the kindness of their hearts.

The grandfather of a BACA-protected boy told Arizona Central: “We’d do anything to keep him safe, but he doesn’t know that.” Upon nodding towards the bikers, he says: “They make him feel safe, and they make him feel like we are safe.”

“Until we got involved with BACA, we just 100% felt lost and alone,” he added. “It’s just such a relief that there’s someone else on his side.”

(WATCH the video below)


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